

Embercombeでの仕事 - 夢を見るしごと -










  • 'Being'及び'自然とのつながり'について熟慮した
  • 見晴らしが良く、動物を観察でき、自然にむき出しの環境
  • マズロー欲求段階の三角形の最下辺にあるような人間の欲求、特に3大欲求のような原始的欲求が、コンポストトイレで過ごすことで最も満たされやすいと考えた。(EmbercombeでのDreamerとしての就業時間内では)
  1. 睡眠:検討の余地はあるが、今回の観察という目的には相応しくないかも
  2. 食欲:観察可能
  3. 排泄:一部可能









Being in the compost toilet: Feeling connections with nature

  • Why compost toilet?
    • Think about ‘being’ and ‘connections with nature’
    • Human’s 3 primitive desires defined by Maslow's triangle, can be satisfied by staying in the compost toilet
      • Sleep: Could be good, but may not be suitable for this observation
      • Appetite: Observable
      • Excretion: Wee - probably, poo - if possible, intercourse - no partner


  1. Findings in general
  • Unnatural Sounds: Cars, airplanes, helicopters, pounding metals with hammers, chain saw
    • Uncomfortable. Why? Probably because they are unnatural sounds?
    • However, they are originally made from natural resources from the earth, then what differentiates ‘natural’ and ‘unnatural?’ - chemical bonding?
  • Approach of creatures:
    • Human: Felt alarmed and interested by footsteps and voices. Wonder if they are friends or foe.
    • Fly: I ignored. Feel of repulsion.
    • If cat?: Cute. If Reptile?: Weird - Difference: Familiar or not/Mammal or not
  • Temperature: Cold. I put my jumper on because there is a jumper. But if not, like an animal, what would I do? Adjust my body temperature or make myself hairy. In reality, we won’t be like that anymore. Evolution or devolution?
  • Being the same posture: Tired. Changes are important. For body, and the same as life

    2. Appetite

  • Had bread with sugar and raisons: Sugar makes me happy. I get thirsty.
  • Vegetarian: If we could hear the voice of vegetables, would we avoid eating them?
  • Being thirsty: My mouth got sticky, I take some tea, movement of my mouth got smooth.

  3. Excretion

    • Wee - Releasing unnecessary materials for my body. Feel happy and safe.
    • Fart - Stinky, but the smell was ceased by the wind and time. Smell is, good or bad, just  a chemical bonding.

     4. Conclusive words

  • Having a pen, I think, I imagine, this is showing that I am a human being, we are the thinking reed. Compost toilet - gateway to the natural field.
